About your Market



Location: Corner of 3rd Street and Water Street, Downtown Lumberton, NC.

The nearest GPS Mapping Address would be Adelio’s Restaurant located across the street at 111 W. 3rd St, Lumberton NC 28358 or the African Cultural Center also located across the street at 123 W. 3rd St, Lumberton NC 28358

Times and Season: Open May - November

Wednesdays, 3:00PM - 6:00PM (CSA Pick-Up at the Market on Wednesdays from 4:30PM-6:00PM)

Saturdays, 7:00AM - 12:00PM


No available ATM’s at our Market


Cash Preferred. Cards accepted by most vendors.

Checks: Up to the individual farmers. Please ask a farmer before writing a check. 

WIC and Senior Citizen Program Checks Accepted.


Parking is available right next to the market area. Please be considerate of the few spaces that allow wheelchair access to the market area. Please also be mindful of children and pedestrians who frequent the market as they may not be visible behind some vehicles during high-traffic times.


Due to updated food safety regulations and insurance concerns, pets, with the exception of service animals, are not allowed in the market. Please respect our vendors and others by keep your pet away from the vendor area while you shop. We appreciate your support.


A port-a-john facility will be available for use by vendors and customers.


In consideration for families and non-smokers who frequent the Robeson County Farmers Market, please smoke outside the Market area.