When is your favorite produce available?Supporting local is important. Eat seasonally and get the best nutrients possible. IN SEASON SPRING (MARCH - MAY) Asparagus Beets Blueberries Bokchoy Broccoli Cabbage Collards Green Peas Greens Herbs Kale Lettuce Mushrooms Mustard Greens Peanuts Radishes Romaine Snow Peas Spinach Strawberries Sweet Potatoes Turnips Yellow Squash Zucchini SUMMER (JUNE - AUGUST) Apples Beets Blackberries Blueberries Bokchoy Butterbeans Cabbage Cantaloupes Carrots Cherry Tomatoes Collards Cucumbers Eggplant Figs Garlic Green Onions Greens Herbs Honeydew Melons Kale Muscadine Grapes Mushrooms Mustard Greens Nectarines Okra Onions Peaches Peanuts Pears Peppers Plums Potatoes Radishes Raspberries Snap Beans Snow Peas Sweet Corn Sweet Potatoes Tomatoes Turnips Watermelon Yellow Squash Zucchini FALL (SEPTEMBER - NOVEMBER) Apples Beets Blackberries Bokchoy Cabbage Cherry Tomatoes Collards Cucumbers Figs Green Onions Greens Herbs Indian Corn Kale Lettuce Muscadine Grapes Mushrooms Mustard Greens Peaches Peanuts Pears Pecans Persimmons Pumpkins Radishes Raspberries Romaine Snap Beans Snow Peas Spinach Sweet Corn Sweet Potatoes Tomatoes Turnips Yellow Squash Zucchini WINTER (DECEMBER - FEBRUARY) Apples Beets Bokchoy Cabbage Carrots Collards Greens Herbs Kale Mustard Greens Peanuts Pecans Spinach Sweet Potatoes Turnips ***All in season produce options are subject to availability.*** Sign up with your email address to receive news and updates. Email Address Sign Up Thank you!